When An Author Speaks ...
I have received a couple of emails asking me about speaking at book clubs. Not an easy question to answer. It varies depending on the type of book club. Some are more of a social club, and others are more serious. Either way, try to speak first. Once the social hour begins, it's difficult to get your listeners engaged. Don't spend to much time on one thing. Tell them briefly about yourself, your books and let them ask many questions. Questions are the best way for you to make it a personal experience.
I will usually brings photos and book marks to sign for those who want one, and give a signed copy of one of my books to the club. I usually don't try to sell my books at these engagements because I want them to get to know me, and not think I'm just there trying to sell books. If part 1 goes well, than part 2 will usually follow on its own. If I am speaking at a different type of venue, than I will bring books to sell. This is your choice. Most importantly, let them have fun. In larger crowds, I will set up a table to sell my books. I hope this gave you some ideas. - Caesar Rondina