HAPPY NEW YEAR ..... and what it brings
We all have memories from any outgoing year. Memories we will take with us into each new year. A new year comes with opportunity for hope. Hope is a strong emotion. One that drives each and every one of us to strive to achieve our dreams. My new years message to everyone is simple.
Never give up hope or your desire to achieve your dreams. That is the greatest gift life offers us; and it's free. It costs you nothing, but gives you so much. A smile, a nice gesture whether given or received is free. When you really break it down, the best gifts in life are free. I would like to thank all that have purchased my books and supported me in 2017. I have received and answered thousands of emails in 2017. I enjoy hearing and answering messages from anyone who takes the time to send me a message.
I am not a secluded person, nor do I live that life style. I am a people person. I believe in the human race. I believe we have what it takes to make a better world for us, our children and grandchildren. I will never give up hope. I wish each of you all the love, health and happiness that life can give. I write many different styles of books. My joy doesn't come from the number of books I sell., but it's nice when you buy them, lol. My joy comes from the hope if anything I have written about helped even one person, that book was a success. I would like to wish you all a safe, healthy, and HAPPY NEW YEAR. - CJR