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RACISM - An Ugly Word (A Video Blog Post)

Thank you all for visiting. First, I will be traveling. Therefore, there will no blog post on Oct. 21st. Thank you for understanding. I have been asked my thoughts on this topic many times through emails and during speaking engagements. Originally, I planned this topic as a written post. However, I decided to make it my video blog post for this month. At times, the meaning of some topics are best conveyed on a personal level. Racism, Racist, and Discrimination, are horrible words. They are demeaning and cause many problems. However, if the definitions of these words never occurred, they would not exist. Because they do exist, isn't it time to fix it? A few years back, society was getting a handle on this terrible social issue. Over the past few years, it seems like society has taken a step backward. Here are both the YouTube and Vimeo links to my post. Also, please take a brief moment to view the updates in the notifications and link sections. Thank you.


I recently published a new tutorial on the Udemy educational platform. The topic is; Keys To Better Management.

You can click on the text link or the image to preview this tutorial. This course is designed for supervisors, managers, or any management team member. It covers everything you need to know to become a better manager in today's workforce. The course also includes a free downloadable PowerPoint that is designed for you to use your own narration as it applies to your situation.


Life Through A Mirror-When Murder Calls, This murder mystery trilogy is now complete and available in Print, E-book, and Audiobook.

A Woman's Fear-Female Abuse is a must read for every woman, and yes, even men.

All my books are available on all major online bookstores.

This year we have branched out and opened a video production company, Altech Videos. We produce video book trailers, business ads, and speaker introductions.

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Thank you ..... Caesar Rondina

Twitter - @caesarrondina

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