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Let's End It Right. - As this year comes to an end.


Greetings to all. I want to thank all my readers and subscribers for their loyalty in 2023 and hope it continues. We acquired many new subscribers this past year to gain more. Please help spread the word about my blog. If this is your first time here, please subscribe to my blog. We only require your email address, which we never sell or share. We respect your privacy. You will only receive an email when a blog is posted and the link to that blog. We do not blow up your inbox with multiple emails.

This is my last blog post for 2023. Since Christmas and New Year's fall on Monday, I wanted to honor these holidays and not publish posts. Also, I will be traveling during this time to see my family. Therefore, I will be taking those two weeks off. There are numerous blogs on the internet. Gaining subscribers without spending a great deal of marketing money can be challenging. Therefore, telling your friends about my blog is a welcomed, appreciated, and great help. Thank you.

I wanted to make my last post for 2023 a video blog post. As always, you can click on either link below to view it. It is 31 minutes long, and I discuss 2023 and some new things for 2024. I wish everyone a healthy, safe, loving, and enjoyable Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

We are living through difficult times, but we should not let them test our faith. We will survive them and move forward. Regardless of your faith and beliefs, we must all remember we are all people sharing this tiny rock in the universe. We must always strive to live together in peace. Regardless of your country, we all share many of the same problems. Together, we can fix the issues we all face when we work together.

May God bless you all and keep you safe from harm. God bless America. Lastly, please keep all those working these holidays, or those in service of our country who cannot be with their family and friends in yours. It is their sacrifice that allows us to spend these times with ours. Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed the post. Please subscribe to my blog, YouTube or Vimeo Channels. Thank you.

Please feel free to leave comments, or if you have a topic you would like me to discuss, you can email me at Thank you.

Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:

Live with an open mind,

Live with an open heart,

Live your best life.

Best Regards,

Caesar Rondina


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