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Let's Talk About Faith. - Do you have faith, do you practice your faith?


Reviewing my previous posts, I realized that faith was a requested topic I never discussed, at least not in its true sense. Since I have received many emails requesting me to discuss this topic, discussing it at the start of a new year, especially with all the turmoil in the world, makes perfect sense.

Think about this question for a moment. How do you feel about things you cannot taste, smell, or touch? Do they exist? Scientists are continually trying to come up with explanations as to how our and other universes were formed. However, we must wonder how all of these marvels got there in the first place. Doesn't it make sense that it all had to start somewhere? So, how did it get there to begin with? Will we ever know the real answer to these questions, and can these answers be found without any doubt? Could this be a part of faith?

There are numerous documented cases of people with medical problems who were told there was no hope and went on to have a full recovery—leaving doctors baffled. My mother experienced something similar to this. Therefore, it's safe to say I have some first hand knowledge of this. Many years ago, when she was alive, she was diagnosed with a large tumor in one of her breasts. This was long before medical science had the tools, technology, and surgical techniques they have today. She was told her breast would have to be removed, and possibly the cancer may have spread.

My mother was a very religious person and had a strong belief in God and her faith. The night before surgery, the Priest from the Parrish she was a member of came in to see her. They prayed together. The following morning, while being prepped for surgery, her surgeon came in to do a final exam. Astonished, and with no explanation that made sense, the tumor was gone. X-rays and other additional tests were taken to confirm this. The surgery was canceled, she was released, and she never had further issues.

Was this a mistaken diagnosis from the start? All the records and tests were reviewed. The tumor was there; the biopsies confirmed that it was malignant, yet it was gone overnight. My mother's faith in GOD was now even stronger until she passed away many years later from something completely different. No one could tell my mother that God did not exist. She was a true believer. I remember hearing the Doctor tell her when she was released, "Mrs. Rondina, I believe in science, not God, but you made me a believer."

This post is not intended to change anyone's beliefs or turn anyone to religion. Those are your choices to make. This post is designed to help others understand the various forms of faith and its importance in our lives. With that, as with everything else, people can choose for themselves.


Faith is a complex and multifaceted concept. It can have different meanings depending on the context, cultural background, and individual beliefs. Faith is generally described as a firm belief or trust in something or someone, often without tangible proof or evidence. It goes beyond basic intellectual and involves a deep conviction or confidence.

Faith is commonly associated with religious or spiritual beliefs. It is where individuals place trust in a higher power or a set of principles. In this context, faith may involve a personal relationship with the divine, a commitment to religious doctrines, and the adherence to a moral or ethical code. That said, faith is not limited to religious contexts. It can also be applied to trust in other aspects of life, such as faith in oneself, others, or certain principles or values. For example, in relationships, having faith in someone may involve trusting their intentions and believing in the strength of the relationship, even without concrete evidence. Faith is something you feel. It is not an object that can be smelled, tasted, or touched.

In summary, faith encompasses strong belief, trust, and confidence, often extending beyond physical evidence and rational reasoning. Its meaning can vary widely depending on the context in which it is used.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Religious and Spiritual Faith: In a religious or spiritual context, faith typically involves a strong belief in a higher power or principles encompassing trust in divine guidance, adherence to religious doctrines, and a commitment to a particular spiritual path. Faith in this context often plays a vital role in shaping a person's worldview, values, and moral decisions.

  2. Interpersonal Faith: Faith can extend to interpersonal relationships involving trust and confidence in others. This type of faith is seen in friendships, family, and romantic relationships. It encompasses believing in the reliability, honesty, and goodwill of others, even when there may be uncertainties or challenges.

  3. Self-Faith: Having faith in oneself is an essential aspect of personal development. It involves believing in one's abilities, decisions, and the capacity to overcome challenges. Self-faith can contribute to resilience, perseverance, and the pursuit of personal goals.

  4. Faith in Principles and Values: People may also believe in accepting uncertainties in pursuing certain principles, ideologies, or values that guide their lives. This can include, but is not limited to, a commitment to justice, equality, compassion, or other moral and ethical principles. Such faith serves as a guide. They are influencing behavior and decision-making.

In essence, faith involves a deep, subjective conviction that goes beyond empirical evidence.

It is a powerful force that can provide individuals with a sense of purpose, meaning, and direction in various aspects of their lives. While the specific objects of faith may vary, the underlying theme often centers on trust, belief, and a willingness to accept uncertainties in pursuing something more significant.

People often refer to GOD when they deal with faith or even in general conversation. The concept of God is deeply rooted in religion, philosophy, and individual beliefs. It varies across different cultures and belief systems. Generally, God is considered a supreme being or a divine force regarded as the creator and ruler of the universe. The attributes, nature, and characteristics attributed to God can differ significantly based on religious and cultural traditions. In addition, God is referred to by many different names in different cultures. Regardless of how this divine being is referred to, the concept is simple. The highest divine power.

In religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, God is often described as all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere. These religions teach that God is the sole creator of the universe and the ultimate source of morality and guidance.

In polytheistic religions, multiple gods may be associated with specific aspects of life, nature, or human experience. For example, ancient Greek, Roman, Hindu, and Norse mythologies feature pantheons of gods with distinct powers and responsibilities. Pantheism and panentheism propose a different perspective on the divine. Pantheism holds that the universe is sacred, while panentheism suggests that God is immanent within the universe and transcendent beyond it.

In philosophy, discussions about God often fall within metaphysics and theology. Some philosophical perspectives explore the existence of God, the nature of God, and the implications of divine attributes. It's important to note that beliefs about God are diverse and deeply personal. Religious traditions, denominations, and individuals may have specific interpretations and understandings of the divine based on their cultural, historical, and theological backgrounds.

Additionally, some people may identify themselves as atheists or agnostics, expressing a lack of belief in God or acknowledging uncertainty about the existence of a divine being. For various reasons, there are times throughout our lives when we question if God exists. This is perfectly normal when we encounter tragedy that challenges our beliefs. In general, it is often more occurrent when we are younger versus as we get older. An atheist or agnostic refers to individuals who do not believe in God, a divine and higher power, consistently throughout their lives.

Since the beginning, many wars have been fought based on religious beliefs. This continues even in today's world. My question is this. Who is the authority that dictates whatever GOD a culture believes in is the correct and only God? That defies the purpose of different religious beliefs and diversity. "The Holy Wars."

According to some estimates, over 4,000 religions, faith groups, and denominations exist worldwide today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. REFERENCE

You can probably figure out on your own why there are so many different ideologies of who God is and the role that a divine higher power plays.


We must remember that before people could read and write, they drew pictures on stone walls and other structures. From this, people would need to figure out their meanings. Since people perceive and interpret things differently, we can see how the various beliefs about God originated. Of course, each group believes they are correct. However, does it matter? People do have the right to their own religious beliefs. In the end, a divine power is just that. The highest power.

If someone believes in a divine or higher power, does that power distinguish right and wrong? In some cases yes. Especially those religions who practice a belief system that involves causing harm to others. In a perfect world, people should be able to freely practice their religious beliefs without harm or discrimination to or from others. However, we do not live in a perfect world. However, that is a separate topic on its own.


Most people I talk to say they believe in God; they are spiritual but do not actively practice their faith by attending church services or other things their particular religious culture participates in. Does that make them less of a believer? Here are my questions. Do you pray to your God only when you need something or things are not going how you want them to? Do you live by the morals and values of the faith you follow and believe in?

Remember, no one is judging you. Life is busy, people work hard, and time is limited. I raised children and worked two jobs my entire life, so I get it. However, we all, including me, cannot say we believe in God and our faith and live a life that does not follow those beliefs. That wouldn't make sense. We either have and believe in our religion, or we do not. There is no such thing as a part time believer. These people believe only when it suits their needs. Sadly, this represents the majority of people.

Faith is not only about religion. Faith includes many other aspects of life. Meaning we may have faith that someone will do the right thing. You will get the promotion you deserve, etc. You have faith and trust in your partner in life. Knowing that one person will be there for you when needed. You also can have faith in your family, or the officials you voted for. Believing and having faith that they will keep their promises and do their elected job.

You see, faith comes in many forms. However, we must be realistic. You cannot have faith that if you pray to God that when you awake in the morning, you will find a bag filled with new hundred-dollar bills on your bed. You cannot do that anymore than going out and robbing a bank today, praying for forgiveness that night, and going out the next day and robbing another bank. Faith is a belief system that we live by each and every day. That said, within that belief system, we can certainly choose what we agree with and what we do not agree with. For example, as a Catholic, I do not believe or agree that is two people get a divorce, they could not longer take the sacraments of the CAtholic church. In my opinion, that defies the principle of an all forgiving God. Therefore, I believe what is in the bible, not the man made laws.

Practicing your faith, whichever your faith is, is also about living according to those beliefs and understanding that this applies to not harming others. In addition, do not confuse religion with destiny. Destiny is a separate topic. Tonight's topic refers to what you believe in and how you live your life. If you do good things, good things will come to you. Doing the right thing is not always easy. Doing the right thing should not be done expecting any rewards. Doing what is right is your choice in how you want to live your life. Often, it is based on your faith and beliefs.


Do you believe it exists if you can't touch, smell, or taste it? If you do, you probably have faith. Faith is not implanted in us at birth. It is something that develops or does not develop in time. As we grow, learn, and experience life. The phrase, "Bad things happen to good people."

How many times have you heard that one? As a career firefighter and paramedic, we got to know the people in our community. Believe it or not, most people in the world are good people. We only hear about the bad ones on the news. When something tragic happens to someone good, it should not question your faith. I can tell you firsthand that bad things also happen to bad people.

I often hear people question if there is a God when looking at all the tragic events happening around the world.

Whichever God you pray to, you cannot blame your God for these events. These events are the conscious acts of people. Not God. I get it. Sometimes that is hard to do. Many ask why God allows this to occur. A bit of research may help you to understand this better.

Why does the benevolent and all-powerful God allow terrible things to occur? The answers can be complex, longstanding theological and philosophical issues. Religious traditions and belief systems offer various perspectives on this question. Here are some common perspectives:

Free Will:

  • Many religious traditions posit that God has granted humanity free will. This means that individuals are free to make choices, including morally significant ones. Evil and suffering are often attributed to humans' misuse of free will.


  • Theodicy is a branch of theology that seeks to explain why a benevolent and omnipotent God would allow evil and suffering. Some theodicies propose that suffering serves a greater purpose, such as moral development, spiritual growth, or the testing of faith.

Divine Plan:

  • Some religious beliefs hold that God has a grand plan for the world, and events, including those that may seem negative or tragic, are part of this overarching divine plan. From this perspective, humans may not fully understand the divine purpose behind certain events.

Testing and Trials:

  • Some religious traditions teach that individuals undergo trials and tribulations to test their faith, character, or resilience. Overcoming adversity may be seen as a pathway to spiritual growth.

Mystery of God's Ways:

  • Specific religious perspectives emphasize the limited human capacity to comprehend the ways of an infinite and transcendent God. It is suggested that some aspects of God's plan and actions may remain mysterious and beyond human understanding.

Consequences of Natural Laws:

  • Some events perceived as "bad" may result from operating natural laws. For example, natural disasters are often explained as consequences of the laws governing the physical world.

Karma and Reincarnation:

  • In belief systems like Hinduism and Buddhism, karma suggests that the events in one's life, whether positive or negative, result from past actions. The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is seen as a process of working through karmic consequences.

It's important to note that individual interpretations may vary, and not everyone adheres to a religious worldview. Additionally, the question of why bad things happen is not exclusively religious. It also has philosophical, psychological, and ethical dimensions. People often grapple with this question in the face of suffering or witnessing widespread injustice, and responses can be deeply personal and subjective.

Everyone must choose what is right for them and how they live. More importantly, it is to understand why others live as they do. This was the purpose of tonight's post concerning faith. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and this post is not intended to tell you what or how you should believe, practice your faith, or determine right from wrong.

Research is based on data, opinions, and history. You are certainly entitled to your own, and I respect your choices. I am not perfect. I believe in God and faith, and I live my life by those beliefs. However, I probably do not get involved in my religious events as I should. I do not feel I have to attend church to pray to God. I believe God is around us all and will hear our thoughts regardless of where we pray. In addition, I do not support many of the artificial laws of my church. As I stated, we all have our opinions. The church does not make my relationship with God; I do. In the sense of a structure, the church is one way or place for this connection with others who believe as you do. I do try to go to church as time allows, and as I get older and slow down a bit, I will probably attend more. I believe it's your belief in your faith and how you live that is more important.

Does a murderer get a pass just because they attend church? Of course not. That's absurd. Therefore, is it the place you go to or what's in your heart and how you live your life that matters? Having faith is not a get out of jail free card. Then there is the real world. The fact that the services that various religions provide to people costs money. Nothing comes for free. We must realize that many religious cultures provide many services to people and need our financial support. It is great to be idealistic, but you must be realistic as well.

I hope you enjoyed the post. Please subscribe to my blog, YouTube, or Vimeo Channels. Thank you.

Please feel free to leave comments, or if you have a topic you would like me to discuss, you can email me at Thank you.

Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:

Live with an open mind,

Live with an open heart,

Live your best life. 

Best Regards,

Caesar Rondina


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