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CHARITIES - What you should know.


Greetings. Happy Valentines Day to all. Tonight's post is a video blog post. Below are two links—one for Vimeo and one for YouTube. Tonight's topic was the furthest thing from my mind until I received an excellent email from a 17-year-old girl from California. She was perplexed with all the ads she saw on TV from so many different Charities and asked, "How do you know which one to pick?"

Of course, I replied and told her I would be discussing it this evening. This post is NOT about bashing or belittling any charity. Charities are excellent institutions to help those in need. However, there are things you should know. That is the discussion in tonight's blog post. Here are the links to this 20-minute presentation. While you are visiting my site, it would be great if you subscribed to my blog and whichever platform you choose to view my presentation. Thank you.

Stay safe and be well,

Caesar Rondina


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