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Yesterday I ha the honor and privilege to be the guest speaker at Pathways Academy of Technology and Design in East Hartford, Ct. I had the honor meet with students, parents and a wonderful instructor Megan Maziarz. These were high school students. I was amazed how easy it was to get them to become engaged in our conversation, and listen and discuss their views on the topics we discussed. As a speaker, there is nothing more boring to an audience then to just sit there and listen. Not my style. I will challenge your thoughts and engage your participation. Besides their hospitality and politeness, I spent time with a group of young adults they inspires the thoughts that what we may here on the news truly is limited to the minority in that age group. I was quite impressed with their knowledge of current events, and the articulate way they presented themselves. An outstanding experience. I would like to thank the students, staff and instructors at Pathways for a great and enlightening experience.

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