Excerpt from The Soul In Our Hearts ....
Before I add the excerpt from this book, let us keep in mind this book is quite driven in the areas of the human Soul, Heart and Mind. Every story is true, some are graphic. These are real people in real situations. I worked the streets of a major intercity for many years as a firefighter and Paramedic. We see and experience things no one should see. It's a job where you never see people in a happy setting. In many cases, it's a setting that revolves around death. Many times I would run into a patient I took care of in a Stop and Shop, they would recognize me and thank me for helping them. That was my drive. The one single thing that allowed me keep doing what it did. This is reality, this is truth, and the stories in this book will help anyone to learn, and look at themselves in a completely different way. Thank you, Caesar .......
On one of my day shifts at the fire house, I was assigned to our medical rescue unit. Our rescue was a combination Paramedic ambulance and rescue truck. We carried medical equipment, rescue equipment, and fire suppression equipment. We were coming back from the hospital after a run and a call came in for a car fire with possibly one occupant. Our engine was dispatched from headquarters about two miles away. We were much closer since this incident was on the town line, and we were only one block away. We advised dispatch we were available and would also also respond. We arrived much sooner than our engine. We found a mid-sized sedan with heavy smoke and flames coming from the rear interior of the car through a partially cracked rear window. In these cases, you are always concerned about a gas tank explosion. With so much black smoke, it was hard to see if anyone was inside the vehicle. We suited up. I grabbed the irons, which are a halligan bar and axe, and my partner took the larger fire extinguisher. He started fire suppression which was limited due to the size of the opening, while I made an attempt to open the driver’s door to check for occupants. The driver’s door was locked, and still could not make out if anyone was inside, but we knew we had to gain entrance. I yelled to my partner that I was going to break rear side window so I can unlock the door. This could be quite risky because the rush of oxygen into the car could easily make the fire much worse in an instantaneously.
By this time, our engine arrived and had stretched a line from the engine. We carried enough water on our engine to easily extinguish this fire. We coordinated their attack with my breaking of the rear window, so I could gain entry. The fire was quickly extinguished so the plan worked as it should have. Keep in mind what is written seems like a lot of time, but in reality, was only 2 or 3 minutes. Upon opening the door, there was in fact a female in the driver’s seat. The smell of gas was very strong. When I reached to get her out, I placed my right arm around her back and placed it under her right armpit. When I grabbed her left arm, her skin just peeled off and was oozing between the fingers of my glove. By this time, the ambulance had arrived and their stretcher was in place and ready. With the help from my partner, we got her out of the car and placed her on the ambulance stretcher. We moved her in the ambulance and started for the hospital. She was still alive. Most of her burns were third degree and second degree. It was difficult to get an IV line in her because both her arms were burnt so badly, and her legs weren’t much better, but I managed to get one IV started in her leg. We were only about a mile from the hospital since this call was just over the city line. I didn’t expect to get much done on the way, but we did all we could. I believe our in route time to the hospital was only 2 minutes. We assisted her breathing, but we all knew she wouldn’t survive long. We turned care over to the trauma team at the emergency room. Later that day an officer came into the fire department to get some additional information from us.
He informed us she had poured gasoline on the back seat of the car, and set it on fire. She just wanted to die. She passed away 2 days later. I never heard or found out what caused her to get to the point where she would do something like that to herself. Everyone has a story, and a reason. You can’t judge them because you haven’t walked in their shoes. This was a critical call. When anyone commits suicide, they either have deep emotional problems, or just feel like they can’t take their situation and stress any longer and have given up all hope. Some who dies from committing suicide is different than someone who gets killed in an automobile accident. The suicide victim might have been able to get help and avoid doing what they did. Unlike the accident victim that was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Through all of this, we have to remain objective to be effective in our work.
This is an example of real life, the real deal, and many others stories are in this book to reference the topics discussed. This book is NOT a teaser for those who just like to read gory things. And yes, there are some success stories as well. This book is to bring a reality to you that you think you know about, but yet have no clue. Hopefully you will purchase this book, and as I promised, you will look at life much differently. These are just some of the things that I believe have made me the man I am today. - Caesar Rondina