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Can Everyone Be Right? - Opinion are like rear ends. Everyone has one.


Greetings to all. How is 2024 going for you? I hope all is well for you. I received an interesting email from Debra in Colorado. She asked an interesting question. Her question was, "Can everyone running in elections be right?" Some time ago, I wrote a post about this subject and decided to elaborate on the topic further because it is an election year, and people need to understand the concept of opinions. Hopefully, this post will help you understand this concept better.


"Opinions are like rear ends. Everyone has one." Basically, opinions are subjective judgments or beliefs formed by individuals based on their personal experiences, knowledge, values, and emotions. They play a significant role in shaping our perspectives, attitudes, and behavior towards various issues, events, and individuals in society.

Opinions are always not based on facts, and are influenced by many factors. News media, political affiliations, friends, family, and various other sources. However, the common bond about opinions, regardless of how we have formed one is that the human condition dictates that we feel our opinion is right, and any contradiction to our opinion is wrong. Inherently, people have a desire to think they are always right.

At the core of an opinion is the individual's unique perspective, shaped by their background, education, culture, and personal experiences. Each person interprets the world through their own lens, leading to a wide array of opinions on any given topic. For example, what one person may perceive as a challenging opportunity, another may view as an obstacle, highlighting the subjective nature of opinions.

Opinions evolve over time as individuals gain more knowledge, reflect on their beliefs, and engage in discussions with others. Exposure to different viewpoints can challenge existing opinions and lead to a broader understanding of complex issues. This process of critical thinking and reflection is essential for personal growth and intellectual development.

Moreover, opinions play a crucial role in decision-making processes, influencing the choices we make in everyday life. From choosing a political candidate to deciding on a career path, opinions shape our priorities, values, and goals. While facts and evidence are important in forming informed opinions, emotions, biases, and personal values also play a significant role in shaping our beliefs.

What is lacking in this process is respecting and valuing different opinions. Respecting others opinion is crucial for fostering a culture of tolerance, empathy, and understanding. By engaging in constructive dialogue with individuals holding contrasting viewpoints, we can broaden our perspectives, cultivate empathy, and promote mutual respect. Differences in opinions should NEVER LEAD TO VIOLENCE. It is through the exchange of ideas and respectful debate that societies can address complex challenges and find creative solutions to pressing issues. In today's society, most, especially with politics, refrain from expressing or discussing their opinions for fear of getting into arguments. Many times these arguments result in violence, which is never acceptable. This comes from what I stated earlier. People have a tendency to believe their opinion is right, and others are wrong. This reduces the ability for constructive dialogue.

However, it is essential to differentiate between opinions and objective facts. While opinions are subjective beliefs based on personal views, facts are verifiable pieces of information supported by evidence. It is important to critically evaluate sources of information, distinguish between opinions and facts, and base decisions on a combination of reliable evidence and informed opinions.


The first step in resolving this is for people to understand that an opinion does validate right from wrong. We must further understand that the perception someone has regarding a topic plays an important role in their opinion, and everyone's perception of a topic can be different, should be respected. Solving any problem begins with understanding the problem. As a public speaker, I oftentimes have to engage people that have a different opinion on a particular topic.

Therefore, to be an effective public speaker and engage my audience, regardless of its size, I must follow three basic principles.




A study by Pew Research Center showed that only 26% of adults surveyed correctly identified all five tactual statements as factual, and only 35% identified all five opinions statements as opinion. REFERENCE

Why is this? Mostly because people are busy and it is easier to believe what you hear, see, or read as fact, rather than doing some research on your own. The first step in fixing how we form our opinion is to verify the source. Is the source reliable and not biased? Are there others sources with the same information? For example, when I write my blog posts, unless I an stating my own opinion, I verify my facts through at least three reliable sources. At times, with the present state of the biased media, that can be a challenge.

That said, can we form an opinion without knowing the facts? Is that considered an informed opinion, or an informed opinion that we are going to base our decisions? When we think about these questions, I think many would agree the answer is no. Each day we all need to make decisions. Especially during an election year. What we decide on election day will greatly impact our lives for the next few years. Do you think that decision is important enough for you to think about and research?

A perfect example is this one. More than 50% of voters who voted for Joe Biden regret voting for him. REFERENCE

Let's face it. Many are unhappy with most of the choices his administration has made. That said, everything he has done is what he said he would do during his campaign. Now they don't like it? Clearly, they were not listening before they formed their opinions and made their choices, and clearly did not do their research.


No. Not everyone with opposing opinions can be right.

That is a hard concept for people to swallow based on

human nature that makes people believe their opinion is the right opinion.

Of course, we must understand that all people will not agree and will have a difference in opinion. That is healthy if constructively discussed and their opinions are based on true facts. However, we must understand that these are our opinions, and opinions are NOT necessarily about what is right or wrong.

One of the things that is severely lacking in our society is respect for others. Another thing that is severely lacking is the fact that people do NOT have the right to impress or force others to support their views. MEaning, live and let live. If you choose to live your life one way, live it, and do not force people to try to accept it by making a public spectacle of yourself. Every person has the right to believe and live their life as they choose. Their choice is not based on the approval of others. Therefore, if people or a group of people publically try to impress their views and lifestyle on others, it is perfectly normal that opposition from those who disagree will occur.

Society is always evolving, and we live in a three generational, and in some cases, a four generational world. This is where the conflict begins. Those who were raised when times were not as liberal as they are today, will not accept some of the new cultural concepts. However, each newer generation will be more accepting. Eventually, through attrition, this will change. That said, as society evolves further, the same concepts will exist. Although, maybe not as judgmental due to the more modern ways of thinking. Where is goes, and how it will evolve, is anyone's guess. Most of us will not be around to see it.

We live in a changing world that is affected by laws, cultural beliefs, politics, and opinions. How many of you can say the Democratic and Republican parties are the same as when your were being raised by your parents? I for one can state, when I was growing up, politics was nothing like it is today. Actually, not even close. Only you can decide if that is a constructive move forward or not, and if it represents true progress.

However, we MUST remember that your opinion does NOT make you right and others wrong. We MUST understand that each of us have experienced different things in life that have a strong impact on our opinion. Right, wrong, or indifferent. We must always realize that people form their opinions differently. Many just go with the flow, or what they feel is the most popular opinion. Others follow their friends and family. Other follow what they read and hear about in the media. Therefore, NOT ALL OPINIONS ARE CORRECT. It's not about you, and only you being right and the rest of the world is wrong. That defines ignorance.


In conclusion, opinions are a fundamental aspect of human existence. They can be a powerful tool for fostering understanding, empathy, and social change. However, the impact of opinions is not always positive, as they can also contribute to division, conflict, and polarization.

As we navigate the complex landscape of opinions in the digital age, it is essential to approach them with an open mind, critical thinking, and empathy. By listening to diverse perspectives, engaging in respectful dialogue, and seeking out credible information, we can obtain the power of opinions for the greater good. Ultimately, the ability to draw conclusions on opinions lies in our collective willingness to learn, grow, and evolve. Not only as individuals, but as a society. It will help us to develop respect for others. All things that are positive traits for our future.

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Please feel free to leave comments, or if you have a topic you would like me to discuss, you can email me at Thank you.

Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:

Live with an open mind,

Live with an open heart,

Live your best life. 

Best Regards,

Caesar Rondina


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