Shall We Revisit A.I.? - Is Artificial Intelligence the future of writing?
Greetings to all. This month's blog post is a video. I enjoy these posts because they provide us with an opportunity to strengthen our connections. It becomes more personal. This is an essential topic as artificial intelligence continues to grow in popularity. Already, A.I. is entering the audiobook market, and now A.I. is being used to write complete books and articles. What does this mean for the future of writers? And, is this a positive move forward? I discuss this and more in this month's video blog post.
Below are the links to my YouTube and Vimeo Channels for you to view this 20-minute presentation.
I hope you enjoy my post. Please subscribe to my blog, YouTube, or Vimeo Channels. Thank you.
Please feel free to leave comments, or if you have a topic you would like me to discuss, you can email me at Thank you.
Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:
Live with an open mind,
Live with an open heart,
Live your best life.
Best Regards,
Caesar Rondina
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