Entitlement. - Where is it coming from?
Greetings to all. I want to thank those individuals who sent the numerous emails I received regarding my last post about The Four Strongest Words. I am glad you enjoyed it. Before I begin, here are a few questions to consider as you read this post.
Does entitlement exist?
Do some people feel entitled?
Where do these feelings of entitlement come from?
Should some be entitled?
The answers to many questions depend on how an individual feels about the particular question and subject matter. I will go out on a limb here and state that I believe we all have some feelings of entitlement. That said, entitlement comes in many forms. This post will define entitlement, discuss its forms, and more.
Entitlement, by definition, is feeling you have a right to something. The belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Based on that definition, it is easy to understand that we all have some degree of feeling entitled to some things. Most of those are normal. You should be entitled to medical care and compensation if you get injured at work. If you work, you are entitled to a paycheck. If you do a good job, you should be rewarded. When you elect politicians, you should feel entitled to them keeping their promises. These things and more are all normal feelings of entitlement.
This post is about the things and people who feel they are entitled to things they didn't earn or work for and should receive special treatment for without a justified reason. As a paramedic in an intercity environment, I saw many drug dealers who did not perform legal work. They walked around with more money in their pocket than most working people had in the bank. They drove expensive cars, wore the best clothes, and let us not forget the jewelry. However, they did this while collecting welfare from the state, getting free medical coverage and medications, and all were young and capable of working a regular job.
The irony of this situation was that they felt ENTITLED to these benefits—much like those attending college, signing government-approved student loans at a reduced interest rate, and now feeling entitled not to pay them back. This is a different form of entitlement. Indeed, in this writer's opinion, it is a misplaced form.
Entitlement is a complex concept that can manifest in various forms and affect individuals, communities, and societies differently. It is often associated with a sense of perceived superiority or privilege that individuals believe they are entitled to, often at the expense of others.
Economic Entitlement:
One of the most prevalent forms of entitlement is economic entitlement, where individuals believe they inherently deserve financial success or material wealth. This mindset can lead to a lack of empathy towards the less fortunate and a sense of entitlement to resources and opportunities that may not be earned or deserved. Economic entitlement can promote inequality and widen the gap between the wealthy and the disadvantaged.
Social Entitlement:
Social entitlement is another common form that involves individuals feeling entitled to certain social privileges or benefits based on their social status, background, or connections. This can manifest in various ways, such as expecting special treatment, exclusive access, or preferential treatment in social or professional settings. Social entitlement can lead to feeling elite and cause a lack of consideration for others who do not fit within their perceived social group.
Intellectual Entitlement:
Intellectual entitlement is a form of entitlement in which individuals believe they are inherently more intelligent or knowledgeable than others, leading to condescension or arrogance towards those they perceive as less intelligent. This can result in a lack of openness to new ideas, perspectives, or feedback, hindering collaboration and growth in intellectual or academic settings.
Emotional Entitlement:
Emotional entitlement involves individuals feeling entitled to the emotional support, validation, or attention of others without reciprocating or considering the needs and boundaries of those around them. This can lead to forms of emotional manipulation, codependency, and unhealthy relationship dynamics where one party feels entitled to the emotional labor of others without taking responsibility for their emotional well-being.
Cultural Entitlement:
Cultural entitlement refers to the belief that one's culture, ethnicity, or identity entitles one to certain privileges or preferences over others. This form of entitlement can lead to discrimination, stereotyping, and biases against marginalized or minority groups. Cultural entitlement can inhibit diversity, inclusion, and understanding across different cultural backgrounds and perspectives.
Entitlement can take various forms and can be anti-productive and sometimes physically dangerous.
It can have far-reaching implications for individuals and society. By recognizing and addressing different forms of entitlement, we can better understand them and learn how to cope with them. In our daily lives, we all have to deal with or tolerate someone who suffers from one or more forms of entitlement. This is more prominent in the workplace. You know, that place where many of us go to every day to earn our living and not expect others to support us.
Before I continue, let me state that many people on welfare and receiving assistance legitimately deserve it and need it. This post is NOT about them. We must ALWAYS assist those in need. This post concerns the system and those who have learned to play it like a fine-tuned violin. For decades, we have lived in a society where the government has failed to address these problems, only making them worse. Our mental health system is terrible. We place people into programs that initially help them, only to release them back to the environment that put them there in the first place. The aftercare is terrible, and the system is overwhelmed.
I've known social workers continue to approve people for welfare because they are too frightened to go into some of these neighborhoods to follow up to see if they are still entitled to receive these benefits. Neighborhoods that are infested with violence, drugs, and gangs, where a stranger is taking their life in their hands just to be there. We do not have enough law enforcement presence now, but it's been lacking for decades.
The pandemic and handing out all this extra money to people did not help. Now, businesses are short-staffed, cannot get help, and find it hard to get people back into the workplace. People are NOT held accountable for their actions and the choices they make.
Locally elected representatives keep getting re-elected because they do not take the steps at the local level to stop the abuse of the system. Like the migrants crossing our border, they know the right words to say. They have learned how to play the system. This system was created by our government and broken by it, and the same government fails to fix it.
In today's digital age, social media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions of entitlement. Constant exposure to curated images of wealth, success, and privilege on social media platforms can fuel feelings of inadequacy and comparison, leading individuals to believe they are entitled to the same level of recognition, validation, or material possessions as others. This relentless comparison can intensify feelings of entitlement and dissatisfaction as individuals strive to meet unrealistic standards social media influencers and celebrities set.
Another factor that exacerbates feelings of entitlement is a lack of accountability. When individuals are not held responsible for their actions or behavior, they may develop a sense of entitlement that absolves them of accountability and consequences. This can lead to a disregard for rules, laws, boundaries, and the rights of others, as individuals feel entitled to act in ways that serve their self-interests without consideration for others.
How individuals are raised, and the parenting styles they are exposed to can also play a significant role in fostering feelings of entitlement. Children who are consistently indulged, praised excessively, or shielded from failure and disappointment may develop a sense of entitlement as they grow up. Without learning the value of hard work, perseverance, and empathy, individuals raised in permissive environments are more likely to feel entitled to privileges and rewards without earning them.
This extends even further. A mother who gives birth to a child and gets a handsome amount from their state each month to assist them has another. Receives more money and goes on to have more. I have seen some have six or more children—all on welfare. With a lack of supervision and no father figure, these children grow up only knowing the welfare system and feel entitled to it. They join gangs and get into other forms of trouble. Why not? That is all they know. We cannot blame the children. It is how they were raised in the system. THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN. PERIOD!
This happens in the wealthiest families as well. However, it is a different form of entitlement, one I spoke of earlier. There is no stereotyping here. There are just other forms of entitlement.
Because of inflation, national debt, and the burden placed on the taxpayer to support these programs that do not work but allow others not to work, it is now showing its teeth. Children have bounced around between daycare, babysitters, and other forms of child care because one parent or the other has to go to their full-time and now part-time jobs to make ends meet.
The family model that many have known for years has changed for many. Some cities and states have started trying to control the abuse of the system. However, they are few and far between. The larger states, such as California, New York, and others, are only contributing more to the economic problems and the feelings of entitlement by others by what they are doing with migrants at their taxpayer's expense. Everything we do in life comes with a price. Most of the time, our policies are the cause of these problems.
Is there a right and wrong with this situation? Without a doubt. However, our policies enable this to continue, which is now even worse. Things always get worse before they get better. The question is, how much worse will it get? Anyone can watch the news and see the looting that is occurring in stores. If these criminals are caught, they are set free. They continue to do it again. The data shows that the more crimes a criminal commits, the severity of those crimes increases.
Many cities in many states have had businesses close. This reduces their tax base, increases their state deficits, and results in higher taxes for the working class. One can only stretch a dollar so far. I, for one, wonder what their mentality is in these cases. What are these city leaders and prosecutors thinking? All of this leads to further feelings of entitlement. It is a spiraling-down effect. One that must be reversed before it extends to other smaller cities and neighborhoods.
How much further do we need to go before we hit bottom? If that occurs, will we be able to recover? The first step in solving any problem is admitting there is one. Yet, certain leaders fail to acknowledge we have a problem. People are randomly being attacked on city streets, and the people committing these assaults are set free. The problem only worsens and will continue to worsen if something is not done to stop it. the best deterrent has always been consequences. The consequences have been removed. They need to be brought back. Law and order must be restored.
I hope you enjoy my post. Please subscribe to my blog, YouTube, or Vimeo Channels. Thank you.
Please feel free to leave comments, or if you have a topic you would like me to discuss, you can email me at crondina@caesarrondinaauthor.com. Thank you.
Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:
Live with an open mind,
Live with an open heart,
Live your best life.
Best Regards,
Caesar Rondina
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