The Things We Get Used To.

Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate this religious season. It's nice to be back to writing after a couple of weeks of traveling. Although for me, it's in a new location. My new studio is not completed yet, therefore as much as I was planning on resuming my one video blog post each month in December, it will have to wait until January. You can't rush putting together a proper audio and video studio. It is a process, and everything must be correct as well as comfortable.
When traveling to take a well-deserved vacation, it is customary to adjust to the minor changes you have to make to fit into your new limited-time surroundings since they are temporary. However, when you are taking on a significant life change as I have by relocating to another state, batten down the hatches and get ready for the storm. You will learn quickly all the things you have become accustomed to are now entirely different. Even if your new location to live is somewhere, you have vacationed to regularly.
As you know, we are all human. Therefore, we become creatures of habit and get used to our surroundings and how things work. Move out of state, and all bets are off.

I'm from New England. Connecticut, to be precise. In the tri-state area of CT, NY, and RI, and even other surrounding states such as NJ and more, everything is rush, rush, rush. Get it done yesterday and do it right. The same theme applies to most major metropolitan areas. Over time we become used to running and being in a hurry, as an example. If you ever bought a house in a large metropolitan area, the realtor will come to your home at any hour to get you to sign whatever papers are necessary. No matter what store you go into, the sales staff moves you along to get to the next customer.
The point being is after many years of this; you look at this behavior as "THE NORM." You become accustomed to it. However, there is more. After the rush process is over, it now becomes hurry up and wait. This is your world. The world you are used to living in, or whatever is customary where you do live.
I wanted to talk about this topic and possibly share my experience. At some point in life, most of us will experience some form of a significant life change. For me, it was moving from New England to Florida. Where I moved to Florida, I have visited many times. We all relocate for a variety of different reasons. For me, it was a combination of being closer to my children and grandchildren. In addition, I was tired of the winter months and wanted to be in an area where I could enjoy boating throughout the entire year.
So here I am—a New Englander in the south. Let me start by saying the people here are polite. SO much so that I feel like I'm in a different dimension. I've never been called sir so many times in my entire life as I have in the three months I have been here. While looking for a home and boat, the hotel I stayed at went the extra mile to make my stay enjoyable. Imagine asking for something and getting it. Now there is a new concept, not even to mention how polite they are and always smiling. Even the fast-food restaurants called me sir at the window.
This was a huge culture shock for me. Words like 'SIr,' 'Ma'am,' and 'Thank you' are commonplace. Now don't get me wrong. You will run into the occasional grumpy soul, but in my experience, that is rare. When it comes to looking for a home, it's not a rushed or pressured process.

It's a laid-back process. Most realty companies or community sales offices are closed on the weekends. All of this is NOT, nor am I saying, is a bad thing. What I am saying is, if you come from a place of hustling 24/7, be prepared. It is an adjustment, especially if you do not have patience. When I first arrived here on a full-time basis, I thought people were just lazy. NOT TRUE. People in Florida have learned to enjoy life in a different way than other parts of the country. Something I was not used to because I lived in that everything is rushed environment for many years I became used to that way of living. Therefore, to say this was new to me is an understatement. I am still learning my new surroundings and will eventually become used to them and feel more laid back and comfortable.
We do not realize how much time we have spent rushing through life until the things that caused us to always be in a hurry now are causing us to learn to slow down. Remember earlier I stated we are all human and are creatures of habit and our surroundings. This also holds true for the way we live and the way we allow ourselves to be treated.
Of course, this got me thinking. Let me say that most of what you learn about life and people you do NOT learn in college. You learn it by living life and interacting with people. Some of my close friends or at a seminar or speaking engagement, I am often asked, "How have you learned so much about life?" That answer is simple. I have lived life. I have spoken to thousands of people. More importantly, I listened. When we are young, we grow very impatient with elderly folks. They do things slower; they cross the street slower, etc. I remember once before I was old enough to drive, I was with my dad, and we had to sit through a green light because an older adult with a walker was crossing the street. I made some comments, and my dad said, "Never make fun of older people. One day that might be you." An experience I am sure most have had.
However, as I became older, my profession caused me to interact with many different people, I learned a vital lesson. The lesson was, to understand people, you must first listen to them. My hotel room was on the first floor and had a balcony that I used to sit out on quite a bit, especially at night. One night an elderly gentleman was walking by and had a cane and was wearing two knee braces. We started to talk, and as it turned out, he was a Korean war veteran, as was my father. He began to tell me stories and all the different things he has seen in life and how life has changed since he was a boy. Think back to when you were a child and how much things have changed. The next lesson I learned in life was to see life through the eyes of the person speaking. Why? Because everyone's perception is different. When you can do this, you will learn a great deal about people and life itself. We spoke for almost two hours, or should I say I listened for nearly two hours. Everyone's life is a story. That story might mirror yours or not. However, it makes you see things from a different perspective. It also helps to make you a better person and communicator.
Some things never change regardless of where you live. The housing market is just as tough here as it was in New England. Everything is overpriced. These are the present times we all are living through for various reasons, which I may save for another blog post. At least my hotel had a Tiki Bar with bands on the weekend. I found terrific the scores of people I have met that have left other states and are looking for places in Florida. Mind you, and this is only in the area I am living in, and Florida is a big state. New communities are being built everywhere you drive.
Florida has always been a popular state for people when they retire. However, more and more younger families are moving here. Many of us think we have learned so much about life. In some respects, we all have. In other areas of living, at least for me, seeing a different lifestyle has taught me there is much more to life and how to live it, I do not know. All because we all become so used to the way things are in our comfort zone. I'm embracing and enjoying the new learning experience. I know each week you read at the bottom the check out my new PI series coming soon. Once I am all settled since as much as my relocation was planned, the pandemic was not. It will be released.
Stay safe and be well,
Caesar Rondina
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