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Thirty-Six Days And Counting - What happens when you tell lies?


This year, many states were hit with hurricanes and storms. The most recent being Hurricane Helene. My staff and I hope everyone is safe and can recover soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered losses from these tragic events. These events are never easy; losing everything you have and loved ones makes it even harder. By the grace of God, the affected communities will come together and be rebuilt. However, we cannot replace the loved ones that have been lost. May God bless you all.

Thirty-six days until election day 2024 and counting. It has been a roller coaster ride. Like all campaigns, this election cycle has been an ongoing mess of lies, misinformation, and, unfortunately, the unheard-of attempts on the life of Donald Trump. The rhetoric from both sides has not been the best, and the media has not helped to stop it. They participated in it, and many talk show hosts and actors are no better. Regardless of who started it, we live in a different world. A world of increased technology where words spread quickly. Not only domestically but globally.

Factor in the fact that we live in a society that suffers from increased rates of mental illness; we never know what words or phrases we are placing in the minds of those with behavioral issues. Campaigns are NOT the place for name-calling. They are the forum we use to talk about a candidate's platform, values, beliefs, and what they plan to do for our citizens and the country. To rehash the names that have been used only adds to the problem. You have all heard them.

The same applies to facts and misinformation. The media uses short video clips or sound bites to make its point rather than showing the entire segment so people can see the context in which things are said. The outcome is misinformation, lies, and false statements. We can only hope that the voters in this country do not fall for these tricks, which is what they are: tricks and manipulation.


There is an old saying:

The difference between a truth and a lie is you have to remember the lie for the rest of your life.

Telling lies is a phenomenon as old as humanity itself. From childhood fibs to sophisticated deceptions, lying permeates every facet of our society. While lies are mere fabrications, they intertwine with our psychology, relationships, and even culture. People lie for a variety of reasons. However, for this article, I want to focus on how it applies to election campaigns. As voters, we must be able to see the forest through the trees.

Briefly, people lie for self-protection, social cohesion, personal gain, avoiding conflicts, and more. Lying can also be of different severity: white lies, exaggerations, fabrications, deceptive omissions, and more—whatever suits the purpose of the person lying. However, when politicians practice these different forms of lying in an election cycle, it causes several risk factors—at home and abroad. Lying is taking advantage of others. Life is busy, and some politicians and news networks rely on people who do not have time to research things and will take their word for what they say. This tactic can have severe consequences. We are talking about policies and choices that will affect the lives of millions of people. This is more than lying to your parents about when you got home last night.


Every candidate will exaggerate their accomplishments a bit. That is to be expected. Specific numbers may be omitted from a report to make it appear better, especially regarding the economy and jobs. However, while lying might seem harmless at times, the consequences can be profound and lead to:

  • Erosion of Trust: Trust is foundational in relationships; it can be challenging to rebuild once lost. A single lie can jeopardize personal and professional relationships.

  • Cognitive Dissonance: Lies can create psychological stress for the liar. The need to remember which lies were told and to whom can lead to anxiety.

  • Social Stigma: In many cultures, lying is considered morally wrong. Being caught lying can lead to social ostracism or reputation damage.

  • Legal Troubles: In some situations, lying can have legal repercussions. For example, perjury—the act of lying under oath—is a criminal offense with serious penalties.

The question of whether lying is ever justifiable is a complex ethical dilemma. Theories about lying and honesty can be divided as follows:

  • Consequentialism: This perspective holds that the morality of lying is determined by its outcomes. A lie may be deemed acceptable if it brings about a greater good.

  • Deontological Ethics: According to this view, some actions are inherently wrong, regardless of their consequences. From this perspective, lying is morally unacceptable.

Different cultures exhibit varying degrees of tolerance for deception. In some societies, indirect communication is preferred; what may seem like lying in one context could be viewed as politeness in another. In the digital age, the landscape of lying has transformed. Social media, misinformation, and deepfakes complicate the truth. The ease of sharing content can propagate falsehoods at an unprecedented rate, leading to significant societal implications.


Detecting lies can be challenging; however, research has identified specific cues that may indicate someone is being dishonest:

  • Inconsistencies in Stories: If the details of a story change over time, it might hint at deception.

  • Nonverbal Signals: Body language can reveal discomfort. Lack of eye contact, fidgeting, or overly defensive postures might suggest someone is lying.

  • Speech Patterns: Liars may exhibit hesitations, overcomplicated stories, or unusual verbosity to cover their tracks.

  • Technology in Lie Detection: Polygraphs and voice stress analysis have been used to discern truthfulness. However, their reliability is widely debated, and ethical concerns surrounding their use persist.

  • Sometimes, it comes down to a gut feeling or a person's history of lying or exaggerating.

However, the best method I have found is ourselves. Do not believe everything you read and hear, and do some homework on your own. The boss doesn't pay you if you don't go to work, and you don't stay clean if you don't take a shower. Most things in life come down to you. I have said this, as have many media outlets. We have a unique situation this election year. We can compare the accomplishments of a former president to those of his opponent, the sitting vice president. We all know the way things were for each of us and throughout the world four years ago and what we have had that Kamala Harris has supported for the past four years.

I will not tell you who to vote for. That is something you must decide. However, do it intelligently and wisely. Do not make it about who laughs more, has a nicer smile, or any other superficial reason. Make your choice based on what you believe is better for you and our country. When were you better off? Do not dismiss the tenacity of a man who has faced and continues to face every obstacle and still stands tall and fights for you.

An assasins bullet has no concious. It is cold, brutal, and without feelings. It cares nothing about its victims, their families, hopes, and dreams. After two attempts in his life, President Trump continues to stand firm in his beliefs, which speaks volumes about his character.


Time is running out. Soon, you will have to decide.

Not voting is not an option. You should want to vote. It is your most important right as a citizen of this great nation. It is when you can institute change rather than complain about it. It is not about gender, race, color, or creed. It is not about whether you enjoy having dinner or conversing with someone. It is about who can do and get the job done. That is what every election is about at any level of government.

I believe the American people are smarter than the news media gives them credit for. We are not sheep led around in a flock. We are intelligent people who can think for ourselves, see through the hogwash, and get to the truth. Many years ago, people voted based on their party affiliation, regardless of the candidate running.

Those were the days when political parties were not as radicalized as today. Therefore, we must be more intelligent when we vote. In this post, I will state my opinion. I have completed many hours of research on both candidates, their records, accomplishments, and failures. Like you, I have lived through the Trump and Biden/Harris administrations. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when we were personally financially better off, gas was cheaper, the world was more stable, and the future seemed brighter for our children and our children.

The pandemic was a big blow to the Trump administration, but it would have been for any administration. No administration could have known everything to do to save more lives when faced with something the world had not seen in decades and was unprepared for. Yet, the Trump administration got the wheels turning on vaccines, whether you agree with them or not, ventilators, and needed medical supplies—that cost billions of dollars because nothing comes for free. However, before the pandemic, we had the most robust economy, low inflation and employment, low interest rates, and gas prices, and our country was no longer energy-dependent and had global respect: NO WARS AND A STRONGER BORDER. No one can dispute that some Americans would still be alive today if many of those who crossed our borders did not. Compare that to the past four years and even now in the present.

I can continue to discuss how some of our most beautiful cities are a mess, how the cost to our great nation's tax-paying citizens has risen dramatically, how so many small cities are being overrun by the gangs that have crossed our borders, and the increased threat to our national security. However, you already know all of that. Do you need a college degree to figure it out?

These are all easy facts to fact-check, as I have. If you do, you should come to the same conclusion I have. Former President Donald Trump is the candidate to vote for in this 2024 Presidential election. This is why I endorse him. The true numbers and facts do not lie. It's people that lie or exaggerate the truth and facts. I could see the forest through the trees. I see that Kamala Harries dodges and dances around direct questions in every limited interview she does. Her policies are vague and not precise. She does NOT show me any signs of confidence. Donald Trump do. He is straight and to the point. His policies and what he plans to do are clear., and I believe he can do it. All that is left is for you to decide for yourself.

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Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:

Live with an open mind,

Live with an open heart,

Live your best life. 

Best Regards,

Caesar Rondina



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