Tips To Keep You Happy - What? Do you say you can't be happy?

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable labor day weekend. As with every holiday, now, it's back to reality. The reality of work, paying bills, trying to make ends meet in today's economy, and more. Sounds depressing, doesn't it? Tips to keep you happy is the self-help topic of my September video blog post. There is more to being happy than meets the eye or what you think on the surface. Happy and happiness are vague terms that have different meanings for each of us. As with all things in life, it is about how each person perceives things. For your convenience, I have provided the links below to my Vimeo and YouTube channels. There are more guest blog posts coming soon.
I have received many emails asking when my new P.I. series "From The AX Diaries" will be published. I haven't forgotten it. I am in the process of working with a company that is interested in my award-winning murder mystery trilogy "Life Through A Mirror. A three-book series," which was voted in the top 10 murder mystery series the year they were published. This could be a huge project for me, and I am focusing on that right now until we finalize things one way or another. I do promise my new P.I. series will be published. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy tonight's video blog post.
Stay safe, be happy, and be well,
Caesar Rondina
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