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"Writing, where do I begin?"

Before we begin. Here is the link to the "Tips" page on this website. Many people submit writing tips which are posted for all to read. It is a good point of reference, and a great way to see how others approach things. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions in the comment area at the bottom of the page. on that page.

As an example. "He was lying in the hospital bed and was intubated. The staff told us he was stable."

That is great. It's the correct medical term, however, many do not know what that means. Think of writing it this way.

"He was lying in the hospital bed and was intubated. Many times when someone can't breathe on their own, the hospital will intubate them. They place a tube through their mouth to help get oxygen into the lungs. The staff informed us this was helping to keep him stable."

You don't have to get to technical. You just want the reader to understand the term so they can read on.

"Shit, what the fuck was that asshole thinking? The boss is gonna hang him by the balls when he finds out."

Which one do you think will define your characters? Yes, your spelling and grammar checker will drop dead of a heart attack.

Of course everything is personal preference. However, know the audience, and know what you are writing about and how your want your story perceived, and write it that way. Where does this leave us? Try this on for size.

  • Establish your idea. What is it, or what type of story is it.

  • If you have your story line, write it. Most will have the basic story line. The story develops further as you write. However, this is where you can get into trouble because your ideas could be bouncing around, and your story may not flow. Things will be out of order. Heck, we all have done. I have, and sometimes still do. They what happens while you are creating.

  • I usually create my chapter names first. I make sure my chapter names follow the story line, and the events as they will unfold. This helps to keep you organized.

  • I learned the hard way that writing for print, and writing for audio book narration are two different things. They should be the same. I literally had to relearn how to write while not sacrificing my style. I suggest you read your manuscript as if someone was narrating it. Ask yourself, is this not only readable, but can it be narrated? Remember, you know what is coming. Your reader doesn't. Because of that you understand it, even if it's a jumbled mess. It's very difficult to proof read your own material. I have some people I trust read my manuscript and give me their opinions. Even with that, I have to refine certain things.

  • Work with people you trust and ALWAYS be open minded. You are NOT an expert on everything. For my audio books, I work with NYT/USAT Best Selling AUTHOR Narrator Marnye Young. I work with Tim from Silverton Audio to produce them. Wow, did they give me a lesson. If not for them, my first audio book would have been a disaster. Don't think you know it all. You don't. Rely on those that specialize int their field. They will make your work shine, and you will learn for the future..

No one is perfect. No one can do it all. It takes a team. The top Authors have a team. You would be surprised if you read some draft manuscripts before an editor got to it. I always say I can admit where I am string, and also where I am weak. I am a terrible speller, always have been, and a horrible editor. So those are my weak points. However, I can write a kick-ass story about anything. That's my strong point. Enlist the help of others. Don;t expect it to happen or come overnight. It doesn't.

There you have it. Some simple basic suggestions that should help a newer write get started. A few more things to remember. Professional line by line editing is not cheap. Very few get pick up by the top publishers. You will either have to decide to self publish, or use a hybrid publisher. There are pro's and con's to both. I will tell you this. To do it right, costs money. Marketing and advertising isn't cheap either. When I had my best seller books sold for greater amounts of money. You had a more generous royalty and budget to work with. With the average book price of 14 to 24 dollars, and many as cheap as .99 cents, by the time you deduct your expenses, you have a to sell a lot of books to make money. You are caught in a catch 22. If you don't invest in marketing, who will know about your book. Social Media alone won't do it. When you are up against 11 million or more titles on the larger books sites, you are a needle in a hay stack. All of that is very detailed and much to long for a blog post. All of these things will be covered in great detail in the video tutorial I am producing that I mentioned above. It should be coming out sometime in August. Feel free to leave a comment below, or you can email me through this website with any questions.

Follow me on Facebook - Caesar Rondina Author, Twitter - @caesarrondina, Instagram - caesarrondinaauthor.

Happy writing ... CJR

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