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"What Are You Sick Of?"

Welcome to the first video blog post of 2019. Was 2018 a good year? It certainly went by fast. I wish you all the best in 2019. I will be appearing for a book signing at Yale University Bookstore on Jan. 26th. at 2 pm. I hope to meet those in the area there. They are located at 77 Broadway, New Haven, Ct.

As a reminder, "A Woman's Fear-Female Abuse," is now released and available at, Barnes and Noble, Author House Bookstore, and more. The first in my 3-book murder series "Life Through A Mirror, and "A Woman's Fear- Female Abuse," will be available at this book signing.

The second book in this 3-book series, "Life Through A Mirror, The Battle Rages On," will be released in February 2019. Be sure to get your copy of the first book. Each book is a different murder mystery, while the lives of the characters evolve. Follow me on Facebook - Caesar Rondina Author, Twitter - @caesarrondina, and Instagram - caesarrondinaauthor.

Click on the image below to take you to the video blog post. Thank you. CJR

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