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Accepting Disappointment - A three-part series. Part 2 - "Expectations."


Greetings. Thank you for all the emails regarding Part 1 of this three-part series. It appears this is a popular topic. In Part 1, we learned that disappointment is a multifaceted concept. In addition, disappointment affects people in different ways depending on the subject matter at hand. However, coping with these emotions still comes down to fundamental principles. In Part 1, we covered evaluation. We evaluate what we want, what we are doing, and how we plan to achieve it while being realistic. Part of this process involves "EXPECTATIONS." This is what I will discuss tonight.

I firmly believe in the old saying, "NO EXPECTATIONS, NO DISAPPOINTENTS." When we have expectations that are not met, the result will always be a disappointment. That said, whenever we choose something, it is expected to have expectations. The problem is that, in most cases, these choices may involve other people, which we cannot control. An excellent example of this is in relationships. You may love someone and try to make them love you. This results in your expectation that they will fall in love with you. However, since you cannot control other people, there is no guarantee they will fall in love with you. If they do not, this results in disappointment due to your self-imposed expectations. Let's look at this further.


Expectations are a fundamental aspect of human perception and behavior that can profoundly impact our experiences and interactions with the world. Expectations are crucial in shaping our outcomes and reality, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.

Expectations can be understood as a set of beliefs or assumptions about the future. These beliefs can be based on past experiences, cultural influences, or societal norms. They serve as a lens through which we view the world, influencing how we approach situations, make decisions, and interpret outcomes.

Expectations can be both beneficial and detrimental in personal relationships. On one hand, having high expectations can motivate individuals to strive for excellence and maintain high standards in their interactions with others. This can lead to stronger connections, increased satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment in relationships. However, unrealistic or unmet expectations can lead to disappointment, conflict, and misunderstandings. It is crucial for individuals to communicate their expectations effectively with others and to be open to adjusting them as needed to foster healthy and harmonious relationships. In a relationship, it is always better to discuss one another's expectations to have a realistic view of reality. As with everything, expectations can change over time. These are the things we work through during a relationship. However, knowing ourselves is paramount.

From the start, if both people's expectations are unrealistic for one or the other, that is the time to decide if you should continue to move forward. No. This does not happen on the first date. It usually occurs as the relationship starts to develop. In the beginning, everyone behaves according to their best behavior. This behavior changes as the relationship becomes more comfortable. This is why I always suggest being who you are from the start. Not what you think the other person is looking for or wants you to be. It is something that you will not be able to maintain.

In the professional realm, expectations play a significant role in shaping performance and outcomes. Employers often have specific expectations regarding their employees' skills, behavior, and performance. Meeting or exceeding these expectations can lead to recognition, rewards, and career advancement. Conversely, failing to meet expectations can result in negative consequences such as reprimands, demotions, or even termination. Individuals need to understand and align with their employers' expectations while also setting realistic goals for themselves to ensure continued growth and success in their careers.

It is essential to recognize that expectations are not always static or fixed. They can evolve as individuals gain new experiences, insights, and perspectives. Individuals must periodically reevaluate their expectations to ensure that they are still relevant, realistic, and aligned with their values and goals.

Expectations are a powerful force that can shape our perceptions, behaviors, and outcomes in various aspects of life. By understanding the role of expectations and being mindful of their impact, individuals can navigate relationships, work environments, and personal growth with greater clarity and effectiveness. Being aware of our expectations and managing them appropriately can lead to more fulfilling experiences and positive outcomes in the long run, thus reducing disappointment. However, the key take-home message here is being realistic.


Disappointment is a universal emotion that everyone experiences at some point. Whether from unmet expectations, failed outcomes, or shattered dreams, disappointment can weigh heavily on a person's emotions and mindset. We cannot get away from it. However, we can control it if we approach it correctly. At its core, disappointment is a feeling of dissatisfaction and sorrow that arises when something falls short of our hopes or standards. It can be triggered by various situations, such as not getting a desired job, ending a relationship, or facing rejection. The intensity of disappointment can vary depending on the significance of the expectation and the emotional investment attached to it.

One of the critical aspects of disappointment is the element of surprise. When our expectations are not met, we are often caught off guard by the sadness and frustration accompanying disappointment. The gap between what we had hoped for and the reality we are faced with can create a sense of loss and disillusionment that is hard to shake off. Moreover, disappointment can have far-reaching effects on our mental and emotional well-being. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and powerlessness. The prospect of confronting disappointment can also erode our motivation and confidence, making it harder to pursue future goals and aspirations.

However, it is essential to remember that disappointment is a natural and inevitable part of life. We learn valuable lessons about ourselves, our expectations, and our resilience through disappointments. While it may be difficult to see the silver lining amid disappointment, it can also be an opportunity for growth, reflection, and personal development. Furthermore, how we deal with disappointment can significantly impact our overall well-being. Learning to accept disappointment, process our emotions, and move forward with resilience and determination can ultimately help us navigate life's challenges with a greater sense of strength and maturity.


Disappointment is NOT the end of the world. However, disappointment is a complex and often painful emotion that we all experience at some point in our lives due to misplaced expectations. While it can be challenging to cope with, it is essential to acknowledge and accept our feelings of disappointment, learn from the experience, and use it as an opportunity for positive personal growth and development. It doesn't always mean you did something wrong. In the business world, they may have more experience and education or are more qualified than you.

In personal relationships, it may simply be that you both look at life differently, have different goals, or want different things for yourselves. Relationships are more than enjoying the same movies or the same food. Learning these things at the beginning rather than months or years later is better.

Considering all of this, we must not forget that people are different and process things differently, mostly due to learned behavior they have followed their entire lives. Sometimes, we must change how we look at things and process things to become better people—for ourselves and for others.

I hope you enjoyed my post. Please subscribe to my blog, YouTube, or Vimeo Channels. Thank you. 

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Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:

Live with an open mind,

Live with an open heart,

Live your best life. 

Best Regards,

Caesar Rondina



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