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Time Goes By Quicker Then You Think. - Four months and counting.


Greetings. Before I begin tonight's topic, I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable upcoming Independence Day. The summer season is now in full swing. Kids will be riding their bikes, motorcycles will be on the road, and more people will travel our roads during the vacation season. This is the time of year to be extra diligent while driving on our roads.

What do you all think of last week's first presidential debate? Before I continue with tonight's topic, I do have a couple of thoughts and opinions I would like to share with you. During my over 30 years of caring for people in the pre-hospital setting as a career firefighter/paramedic, I have cared for people of all ages, races, and creeds. I hold no bias towards anyone. I evaluate and treat people equally. It comes from the job. However, we have to be realistic. I have seen people in their middle years with cognitive decline, as well as people in their 90s as sharp as a tack. Everyone ages differently. That is part of life.

I commend Joe Biden for his years of public service to our country. However, I noticed his thoughts were staggered and unorganized, as they are in most of his speeches. He does not physically present well. I do not believe this should be the face of the United States for the next four years. Whether you like or dislike his policies is your choice. However, he does not appear to be fit for the most stressful job on the planet.

On the other hand, Donald Trump physically presents much better. His thoughts are organized and not staggered. Again, it is your choice whether or not you like his policies. The only mistake I believe he made was spending too much time rebutting what Biden said and not enough time until his closing statement, telling the American people what he would do in the next four years. I saw a different Donald Trump during this debate. A Donald Trump that did not lose his temper and take the bait. When he was President, he was new to how politics worked. He certainly appeared to have learned his lesson. I thought he did an overall good job, and I would have liked to see him address the next four years a little stronger. Although, in fairness, he does a great job addressing the next four years in his rallies. However, his rallies are not covered on all news media networks. That is due to network bias.

I am saddened to see that Joe Biden is not doing well health-wise. This is only my opinion, but it seems to be shared by more and more people and now the news media each day. I do believe that this will be one of the most important elections in our country's history. The world is going to the dogs, and our country has many internal issues, such as crime, economic issues, inflation, energy, and many more. To secure a prosperous future for our children and grandchildren, we must forget party lines, vote for who we believe will be, and do what is best for our country and its citizens.

Simply put, what is going on today is not working, and too many families are grieving from losses they should have never had to sustain. Thank you for reading my opinion. Now, onto tonight's topic.

Where is this year going? Time is passing so quickly. We are already halfway through 2024. We have all experienced many things in life. There are times when time passes quickly and times when time seems to fly by. Like many, I have always found that interesting. We have often said, "Where is the time going?" Maybe we should look at that for a moment. After all, isn't 60 seconds just a minute, yet when you are watching something for a minute, it seems forever for that 60 seconds to pass. It flies by if you try to do something during that 60-second waiting time.


Time, the constant force governing our lives, continues to march relentlessly, indifferent to our desires and hopes. The passing of time is an intrinsic part of the human experience, marking the progression from birth to death and shaping our perceptions of the world around us. It is a concept that has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and artists throughout the ages, prompting profound reflections on mortality, change, and the nature of existence.

At its core, the passing of time serves as a reminder of the impermanence of all things. As days turn into weeks and weeks into years, we witness the inescapable march of the clock, each moment slipping away from us like grains of sand through our fingers. This relentless forward motion can result in a sense of nostalgia for the past, a yearning for moments gone by that can never be recaptured. It can also instill a sense of urgency in our actions as we realize that time is a finite resource that should not be squandered. Time is one of those things in life we cannot get back.

The passing of time also carries with it a sense of transformation and growth. As we age, we undergo physical, emotional, and intellectual changes that shape our identities and perspectives. We may look back on our younger selves with a mixture of amusement and disbelief, marveling at how much we have evolved since those early days of innocence and learning. Each passing year adds new layers to our experiences, deepening our understanding of the world and our place within it.

However, the passing of time is not always a linear progression towards growth and enlightenment. It can also bring a sense of loss and regret as we think about missed opportunities, broken relationships, and unfulfilled dreams. We may find ourselves grappling with the swift passage of time, grappling to hold onto moments that slip away from us too quickly. In those moments of reflection, we may be struck by the bittersweet realization that time is both a gift and a curse.

Despite the complexities and contradictions inherent in the passing of time, one thing remains certain: it is an inescapable part of the human condition. We are all bound by the march of the clock, each of us navigating our own journey through the ups and downs of time.


Time is a concept that has perplexed philosophers, scientists, and the average person alike for centuries. One of the most common experiences related to time is the feeling that it seems to pass by quickly, leaving many of us wondering where the days, weeks, or even years have gone. But why does this phenomenon occur? What psychological processes are at play that make time appear to slip through our fingers?

One key factor contributing to the perception of time passing quickly is our sense of routine and familiarity. When we engage in activities that we are accustomed to, our brains require less cognitive effort to process the information and experiences around us. As a result, our perception of time becomes compressed, as our brains do not need to pay as much attention to the details of our daily lives.

Furthermore, our brains can remarkably adapt and adjust to new situations. When exposed to novel and engaging experiences, time tends to feel elongated as our brains work harder to process and store the information coming our way. On the other hand, when we are engaged in repetitive tasks, our brains glide through familiar patterns, leading to the sensation that time is fleeting.

Another factor that influences our perception of time is our emotional state. Research has shown that time appears to pass quickly when we are happy, excited, or engaged in a fulfilling activity. This is because positive emotions help us focus on the present moment and lose track of time as we become fully immersed in the experience. Conversely, when we are bored, anxious, or stressed, time tends to drag on endlessly as our minds fixate on the passage of time rather than the task at hand.

In addition, the way we process memories also plays a role in how we perceive the passage of time. When we look back on a period, our memories tend to be filled with notable events or milestones that stand out in our minds. These memories create the illusion that time has passed quickly, as our brains only focus on the most significant moments rather than the mundane day-to-day activities that may have made up the majority of that time.

In addition, as we age, our perception of time can also be influenced by the relative length of a given period of our overall lifespan. As we accumulate more years, a single year may feel like a smaller fraction of our total existence, leading to the sense that time is passing more quickly with each passing year.

The feeling that time passes quickly combines various cognitive processes, emotional states, and memory processing. Our sense of routine, emotional well-being, and how we form and recall memories all contribute to how we perceive the passing of time.


Since time is not a physical entity that can be manipulated; instead, it is a mental construct that we use to make sense of the world around us, we have limited but effective control over how we perceive its passing. The most effective method of having a constant feeling of how time passes is to stay active. Be engaged in enjoyable activities. Try to decrease your state of boredom. In the realm of physics, time is considered one of the fundamental dimensions of the universe, along with space. According to the theory of relativity proposed by Albert Einstein, "time is not fixed and immutable but rather a malleable entity that can be influenced by factors such as gravity and velocity. Time dilation, a phenomenon predicted by the theory of relativity, describes how time can appear to pass at different rates for observers in different reference frames."

Since we are not all scientists, these concepts may seem abstract and inaccessible to the average person, not things we think about or analyze. However, the theory suggests that time is a flexible and dynamic force that can be manipulated under certain conditions, some of which include time management. By organizing our schedules, setting priorities, and eliminating distractions, we seek to make the most of our available time. While these techniques can improve our efficiency and effectiveness, they do not give us accurate control over time. Time marches on, regardless of our efforts to structure and optimize our activities. However, by developing good time management habits, we can create a sense of order and purpose in our lives, allowing us to make the most of our time.

In the end, the idea of controlling the passing of time may be nothing more than an illusion. Time functions as a constant, unyielding force that cannot be stopped, reversed, or manipulated at will. Our perception of time may change, and our efficiency in managing time may improve, but ultimately, time flows inexorably forward, indifferent to our desires and efforts. While we may never gain complete control over time, we can strive to make peace with its inevitable passage, finding meaning and purpose in our given moments.


Preparing and thinking ahead is one way to manipulate how we perceive time passing. We are four months away from the start of early voting for the next President of the United States. Most agree that this is probably one of the most critical elections in our country's history. Do not procrastinate. When we procrastinate and wait until the last minute to do things, time will appear to fly by because now we have placed ourselves in a mental state to rush to get something done.

Do your research sooner rather than later. Be informed so you know who you want to vote for. Don't trust everything you hear or read. Political campaigns can get dirty, and opinions can be biased, especially in the news media. Therefore, do your homework. As citizens of this great nation, we MUST be proactive about making our choices.

Look at the data—the facts, the numbers. When you compare, be sure you are comparing apples to apples. Regardless of who you choose to vote for, VOTE. So many do not vote and complain afterward about what elected officials do. Voting is one of the most precious and practical rights we have. The right to institute change. Believe it or not, these choices affect your perception of time in the future. When you are struggling week to week, the bills are piling up, and the due dates and holes you are in get deeper and deeper, time will mentally pass more quickly for you. To some degree, everything in life affects other things in life. These are some of the things you have control of. Remember, as stated earlier, it all comes down to how we manipulate time and change our perception of how slowly or quickly time passes.


Time can work for you or against you. The only thing you know for sure about time is that it is constant and waits for no one. This makes it your friend or your enemy. The trick is to learn how to use it to your advantage. One of my famous quotes goes like this.

"We all reach a time in life when we realize there are fewer tomorrows than yesterdays. We can't bring back yesterdays, but we can make new tomorrows."

I hope you enjoyed my post. Please subscribe to my blog, YouTube, or Vimeo Channels. Thank you. 

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Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:

Live with an open mind,

Live with an open heart,

Live your best life. 

Best Regards,

Caesar Rondina



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