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What Do You Expect In 2022? Do you have Fears? You do have some control.

Greetings to all and HAPPY NEW YEAR,

This is my first video blog post for 2022. It's been a few months since my last video post because I started moving to Florida in August of 2021. It has been a fun, interesting, and aggravating journey all wrapped up in one. However, I finally found a house and am here. Once I'm settled, I will start looking for my next boat. I am still tweaking the studio, but I did not want to delay getting back to my video blog posts any longer.

I have missed meeting with you all in this forum. As you know, I believe that writing, as with life, is personal. It requires some form of a personal connection. These once-a-month video blog posts help you get to know me better as a writer and a person. Hopefully, this leads you to purchase a book or two if written. Although with the pandemic at hand, I have not released the two books ready for publishing. They will be coming soon. The two links below provide you with your choice of YouTube or Vimeo to view this month's post. Please subscribe to my channel and my blog. Here are the links:

Stay safe and be well,

Caesar Rondina


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